Easy Typing
by yaozhuwa

The Easy Typing plugin for Obsidian is designed to enhance the writing experience by automating text formatting and symbol editing. With its core features, you can capitalize the first letter of each line, add spaces between specific parts, and even define custom rules for handling special text formats. The plugin also includes a range of edit enhancements, such as auto-pairing and deleting symbols, converting full-width characters to half-width, and more. Additionally, you can customize conversion rules for various editing scenarios and access built-in commands to simplify your workflow. With its experimental features, Easy Typing is poised to revolutionize the way you write in Obsidian.

Latest Version
2 days ago
  • V5.5.11 2024-12-20
    • 基础编辑增强:支持粘贴多行内容到列表或者引用块时,自动添加列表或者引用前缀 #262, #263
    • 基础编辑增强:支持粘贴多级列表项内容到列表
    • 修复:修复 CMD+Enter 新建多级引用行时错误添加空格的问题
    • Enhanced basic editing: Automatically add list or quote prefixes when pasting multiple lines of content into lists or quote blocks #262, #263
    • Enhanced basic editing: Support pasting multi-level list items into lists
    • Fix: Fixed the issue of incorrectly adding spaces when creating multi-level quote lines with CMD+Enter


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