• Plugins that are released in the last 10 days appear in this list. • Plugins that are released in the last 24 hours are tagged with 🥳 emoji. • Your favorite plugins are tagged with 🤩 emoji.
• New versions that are released in the last 10 days appear in this list. • New versions that are released in the last 24 hours are tagged with 🥳 emoji. • Your favorite plugins are tagged with 🤩 emoji.
The list of plugins are obtained by parsing the `community-plugins.json` file from `obsidianmd/obsidian-releases` GitHub repository.
2. What is the source of plugin description?
The description of the plugin is populated from the content corresponding to the plugin as found in `community-plugins.json` file.
3. What is the source of release changelog?
The changelog is obtained from the body of release as found in `GET /repos/{repo}/releases` API.
4. How are tags populated for a plugin?
The tags are the topics of the GitHub repo, as found in `GET /repos/{repo}` API. To populate this, you can go to the GitHub repo, click open the gear icon in the About section and update the topics.
5. How are the trending plugins calculated?
The trending plugins are calculated using the z-score obtained over the daily number of downloads - with a small delay added exponentially for the older records.
6. Other question?
If you question is not answered, please open an issue in the GitHub repository (https://github.com/ganesshkumar/obsidian-plugins-stats-ui). We would be happy to answer it for you!