Style Settings
by mgmeyers

You're an Obsidian plugin developer, and you publish a blog post every week to share updates on the latest plugins that have been released. Here's your template for this week's post:

Obsidian Plugins Updates: [Week Number]

In this update, we are excited to announce the release of several new plugins for the Obsidian community. We will cover each plugin in detail below.

Plugin 1 - [Plugin Name]

This plugin adds a feature that allows users to… (briefly describe what the plugin does). It includes two main settings:

  • Setting 1: [Setting description]
  • Setting 2: [Setting description]

You can customize these settings by using the following CSS variables:

--var: [value];

For example, if you set --var to #007AFF, it will output hsl(211, 100%, 50%).

Plugin 2 - [Plugin Name]

This plugin introduces a new theme setting for… (briefly describe what the plugin does). It includes three main settings:

  • Setting 1: [Setting description]
  • Setting 2: [Setting description]
  • Setting 3: [Setting description]

You can customize these settings by using the following CSS variables:

--var: [value];

For example, if you set --var to #2DB253, it will output hsl(211, 100%, 50%).

Plugin 3 - [Plugin Name]

This plugin provides a new formatting option for… (briefly describe what the plugin does). It includes two main settings:

  • Setting 1: [Setting description]
  • Setting 2: [Setting description]

You can customize these settings by using the following CSS variables:

--var: [value];

For example, if you set --var to #007AFF, it will output hsl(211, 100%, 50%).

Localization Support

Translations for titles and descriptions can be supplied for each language Obsidian supports by using one of the following postfixes:

en: English
zh: 简体中文
zh-TW: 繁體中文
ru: Pусский
ko: 한국어
it: Italiano
id: Bahasa Indonesia
ro: Română
pt-BR: Português do Brasil
cz: čeština
de: Deutsch
uk: Українська
sq: Shqip
tr: Türkçe

Color Gradient formatting options

There are 8 formatting options:

  • hex
  • rgb
  • rgb-values
  • hsl
  • hsla
  • hsl-split
  • hsl-split-decimal
  • color-gradient

For example, if you set --accent to #007AFF, it will output hsl(211, 100%, 50%).

Plugin Support

Plugins can specify a style setting config in the plugin's CSS. Plugins must call app.workspace.trigger("parse-style-settings") when the plugin loads in order for Style Settings to be notified of CSS changes.

That's it for this week's update! We hope you enjoy these new plugins and look forward to hearing your feedback. Happy coding!

Latest Version
3 months ago

f26cfa0 Upgrade libs and fix type errors
5cbf4e7 1.0.8
4ce9491 Fix #152
51a1497 Merge pull request #128 from ThePyroTF2/update_readme
6418dea Add documentation for the quotes key of the variable-text setting type

README file from
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