Sakana Widget
2 years ago by Boninall
Add the Sakana! Widget to your own Obsidian!
2 years ago by kasahala
Render a directory Structure Diagram from a markdown lists in codeblock.
Quick note
a year ago by James Greenhalgh MBCS
Create a quick note in a floating window (on command or by right-clicking the Obsidian app icon)
@ Symbol Linking
a year ago by Evan Bonsignori
Adds ability to link with @ (the At Symbol) in Obsidian. Can scope @ linking to a specific directory e.g. Contacts/
Neighbouring Files
a year ago by Fabian Untermoser
Navigate to the next and previous file in the current directory
10 months ago by Rafael Veiga
Adds widgets to your notes like clock, countdown and quotes.