πŸ”— Note Toolbar
Add customizable toolbars to your notes.
by Chris Gurney
Latest Version
6 days ago

Note Toolbar v1.6 is now available in Community Plugins!

Note Toolbar v1.6 has been released, primarily to fix to important issues (see below). I opted to release this as a major release due to a fundamental change to how links are rendered (from a to span tags), which had the potential to break things like the Focus command and accessibility in general.


Update via Community Plugins, or search for Note Toolbar there and install.

Migration Notes

  • To enable the following use case, variables substituted into URIs are no longer encoded. I may need to add an option for this in the future; feedback would be appreciated.
    • You can now put a fully-formed URL (i.e., one that includes the protocol) in a property and refer to it in a URI item using variables, and be able to have it open the website without issue.

New Features

  • Set a note's notetoolbar property to none to completely remove the toolbar from that note - Thanks @caglarongan for the idea!



  • Fixes the issue with links crashing on Android (reading mode) (#19) - Thanks @SkepticMystic for the workaround!
  • Fixes issue with toolbars not displaying correctly when notes are opened in a new window (#46) - Thanks @Acylation for pointing out the fix!
  • Fixes to settings keyboard navigation (e.g., backspace = delete)


  • fix: open in new window: TBs not showing correctly (#46) β†—
  • feat: added font and icon sizes to Style Settings support β†—
  • fix: turn off uri encoding to allow more flexibility β†—
  • docs: added instructions at bottom of IconSuggester β†—
  • style: replaced cross with trash icon β†— β†—
  • fix: (attempt) for links crashing Android (#19) β†—
  • fix: add enter to keyboard handler β†—
  • feat: set note toolbar prop to 'none' to not display a toolbar on that note β†—
  • chore: added pattern label β†—
  • style: focus effect for toolbar and item lists β†—
  • fix: list handler: backspace key should delete; space jumping screen β†—
  • feat: add suggestions for * and / to folder mapping β†— β†—