๐Ÿ”— Plugin Update Tracker
Know when installed plugins have updates and evaluate the risk of upgrading
by Steven Swartz
Latest Version
8 months ago
  • Clicking the plugin icon when no updates are available now shows a small message making it clearer that everything's up-to-date. The cursor no longer disappears when hovering over the plugin icon (#72)
  • Updates the description for the setting Minimum update count to show a plugin icon to mention that updates for this plugin are always shown (in-case there's a bug preventing you from seeing other updates) (#67)
  • Clearer message when your IP address exceeds github's limit of 60 file downloads per hour when updating plugins. The number of minutes until the limit is reset is included in the message (#73)
  • Cleans-up some error logs in the developer console (#68)
  • Increases the max number of your installed plugins checked for updates from 350 to 400 (if this is still too low then let me know)