๐Ÿ”— Unofficial Supernote by Ratta Integration
View Supernote notes, generate markdown from note and capture screen mirror.
by philips
Latest Version
a month ago

Address feedback from Obsidian official review https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/pull/3314

"fundingUrl": "https://signal.org/donate/",
The expectation for the funding url is that users can donate to you as a developer, not to some other unrelated project.
What you can do is put some text into your README explaining that you don't accept donations and that all donations should go to signal instead, then link to that here.

"minAppVersion": "0.15.0",
You are using newer API's, set this to the latest public build number.

import * as path from 'path';
Remove this unused import.

text: "Attach Markdown to Vault",, text: "Attach Markdown and Images to Vault",, atoc.createEl("h2", { text: "Table of Contents" });, text: "Save Image to Vault",
Use sentence case in UI