🔗 Linter
Formats and styles your notes.
by Victor Tao
Latest Version
a month ago

Linter v1.23.3-rc-1

This release is the first ever beta release for the Linter. It is meant to allow for early testing of the Live Preview changes that were just made to allow for the retention of editor folds in both Live Preview and Source mode. Beta releases are likely to be buggy, but allow for early feedback on changes. I plan to use the beta releases through BRAT, but please decide yourself whether or not using the beta releases is the right approach for you.


  • An additional warning was added for Header Blank Lines to let users know about a custom regex replacement that can be used in order to prevent a blank line from being present between a header and a paragraph that follows it when Bottom is false.


  • Fixes folds not being retained on Lint when changes were made in Live Preview and Source mode
  • Fixes URL regex to allow '@' in the path for URLs

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/platers/obsidian-linter/compare/1.23.2…1.23.3-rc-1

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