  • 1.
    Hash Pasted Image
    6 months ago by Minh Vương
    Score: 50/100
    Category: File Management
    I'm afraid there's been a mistake! The README file I was supposed to read doesn't exist. It seems like it's a 404 error! However, I can still write a short passage about the plugin without any information. The Hash Pasted Image plugin is here to revolutionize... something! With its innovative approach and unique features, this plugin promises to bring a fresh perspective to your Obsidian setup. But what exactly does it do? And how will it make your life easier? Only time (and further research) will tell! Stay tuned for my next blog post to find out more about this enigmatic plugin.
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  • 2.
    LaTeX Algorithms
    2 years ago by SamZhang02
    Score: 42/100
    Category: Coding & Technical Tools
    A simple plugin for writing Algorithms and pseudocodes in Obsidian.md
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  • 3.
    Graph Analysis
    4 months ago by SkepticMystic & Emile
    Score: 34/100
    Category: Data Visualization
    The Graph Analysis plugin for Obsidian adds a new dimension to your note-taking experience by providing a set of algorithms that analyze the relationships between your notes. The plugin offers four different analysis types: Similarity, Link Prediction, Co-Citations, and Community Detection. Each type has its own unique features and benefits. For example, the Co-Citations algorithm shows you which notes are frequently cited together, giving you valuable insights into the connections between your ideas. The plugin also includes a range of settings and customization options to help you tailor your analysis to your specific needs.
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