  • 1.
    4 months ago by Viacheslav Slinko
    Score: 54/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    The Zoom plugin is a powerful tool for Obsidian users who want to quickly focus on specific headings or lists in their notes. With just a few clicks, you can zoom in on the content of your choice, hiding everything else on the page. This feature is particularly useful when you need to quickly reference a specific point or when working with large documents. The plugin also comes with a debug mode that allows you to access detailed logs for troubleshooting purposes. Overall, Zoom is a simple yet effective way to enhance your Obsidian experience and boost your productivity.
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  • 2.
    Automatic Renumbering
    2 months ago by Omri Levi
    Score: 52/100
    The Automatic Renumbering Plugin for Obsidian is designed to keep your numbered lists in perfect order as you work. This tool automatically updates list numbers in real-time, saving you the hassle of manually adjusting them after edits. Whether you're adding new items, pasting content, or undoing changes, the plugin ensures your list remains sequential. It features smart pasting for consistent numbering when you paste content and provides manual control for those who prefer to update the numbers themselves. You can also renumber selected sections or entire notes with a few commands. Perfect for users working with large structured documents, this plugin helps you stay organized without any performance issues, even with extensive lists. However, it does not support Vim mode or automatic tab size detection for nested lists.
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  • 3.
    Key-Value List
    a year ago by Christian Wannerstedt
    Score: 39/100
    Category: Note Enhancements
    I'm afraid there's been a mistake! It seems I've received an empty README file, which means this plugin doesn't have any content to summarize. However, I'd be happy to help you create a summary once the README file is updated with some actual information. Just provide me with the contents of the README file, and I'll do my best to craft a concise and informative passage about the Key-Value List plugin's features and benefits!
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