The Remember File State plugin is a game-changer for anyone who frequently works with files and folders in Obsidian. This plugin allows you to save your file explorer state, so you can easily recall the exact folder structure and file organization you had last time you were working on a project. No more tedious searching through multiple levels of nested folders or losing your place among a sea of notes. With this plugin, you'll be able to pick up right where you left off, saving you time and reducing frustration.
The Remember cursor position plugin is a game-changer for users who frequently switch between notes, links, or sections within their Obsidian notes. This plugin saves the cursor position, scroll location, and text selection for each note, allowing you to pick up right where you left off. Whether you're working on a complex note, navigating through a long article, or exploring a knowledge graph, this plugin ensures that your progress is preserved even when you switch between notes or restart Obsidian.