🔗 Text Generator
Text generator is a handy plugin that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).
by Noureddine Haouari
Latest Version
12 days ago


  • We added a new custom fetch function, that will be used by both langchain and custom providers. This will allow for:
    • Fallback to using our proxy/requestUrl(obsidian) if request fails with CORS error.
    • It is generic with the same api as fetch, which makes it powerful and easy to integrate with other parts of our plugin, that requires fetching data without worrying about CORS.
    • Langchain custom profiles, wont have to worry about CORS, since it will fallback to using the available workarounds.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin/compare/0.7.28-beta…0.7.29-beta

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